Who We Are & What We Do
Inuit Heritage Trust (IHT) represents Nunavut Inuit interests in Nunavut's cultural heritage. We were created through the Nunavut Agreement and established in 1994. Our work is based on the principle of respect for the traditional knowledge and wisdom of our Elders.
Our Mandate
IHT's mandate comes from Articles 7, 33, and 34 of the the Nunavut Agreement.
Recognizing the special relationship that Inuit have with Nunavut's cultural heritage they outline Inuit rights and responsibilities. They state that IHT is to assume increasing responsibilities and is to balance the responsibilities of the Government of Nunavut.
Tigumiaqatigiiktut Katimayiat
Una Inirnirit Ilitaqhimaniat Aittuutit tuniqhaktauvaktut malruk ukiuk nalliraangat tuniyauvaktutukununnga Nunavunmi Inirniinut ilitarihimablugit ikayuqtuutait Nunavunmiut kangiqhihimayutInuit pitquhiinnik, ingilradjutainnik initurliminiitigullu ilihimattiaqtut. Qaffiuyulliqaak Inirnirithavakpaktut iliharvingni ilihaiblutik ukiuqqukittunut nutaqqanut talvalu uqaqatigivakhugitqauyimayatuqanginnik. Ikayuttiaqhimablutiglu havauhiriyaannut IHT-kut uqaqatigivakhugitqauyimayatuqanginnit nunat atiinit, initurliminiitigullu, unipkaaminirniglu talvalu qanurliqaakpittiaqpaktaunikhaatigut Inuinnait piqutainnin.